SEO for MSPs
Did you know that Purple Cloud IT also do SEO?! We’ve recently changed our business name but under our former name (Cornwall IT) we were ranked on Google Number 1 IT Support Companies in Cornwall and London.
We’ve also helped other MSPs & IT firms to rank on page 1 for their areas too.
In the past we’ve spent so much money on trade shows, adverts in magazines, and other marketing streams and a lot of the time we received very few leads from our efforts.
Now because we rank strongly on Google, we receive leads from our website every month, in fact at times it can be difficult to keep up!
If you want to start receiving leads from your website, get in touch and see how we can help your MSP Marketing with the power of SEO!
Are you looking to increase the number of leads coming into your MSP business?
Its a known fact that ranking high on Google is by far the best way to achieve this!
We will build a long-lasting SEO campaign that has you ranking for your target keywords.
The objective is simple: dominate Google, get leads for your area!
How can we help your MSP Succeed online?
Step 1 | Keyword Research
We will perform initial research into what your potential customers are typing into Google for your area. As we are also an MSP we know exactly what type of customers you want to attract to your business.
Once we agree to move forward with this project, we will then produce an action list of the next steps we need to take. At the same time we will research any more keywords that we should potentially target.
We will break this down into months. This plan will be structured to get you results as fast as possible.
Step 2 | Quick-win SEO
You may already be naturally ranking for a few keywords here and there so our job initially will be to do a bunch of “quick fixes” to get you ranked higher for some of these keywords, so you can start seeing some results coming in, particularly if you are currently on page 2 for a keyword.
TIMESCALES: Timescales: Weeks 2-4
Step 3 | Main Keyword Optimisation
We will optimise your website to target our main keyword, this has to be carried out over a number of weeks to give us a better chance of climbing up the ranks as the project progresses.
This is a large task and we should start seeing some results from our work as we track the position of your website for our target keyword.
Timescales: Weeks 2-8
Step 4 | The Ultimate Goal
The end game is domination for your MSP in your area. We will target one major keyword for your area and work on the SEO to get you onto page one on Google for that keyword. While you are our customer, we will never work with another MSP in your area for that major keyword. There may potentially be several other major keywords that we could target, but we always recommend targeting one initially and monitoring whether Google naturally ranks you for other major keywords.
We will also target other smaller keywords that may only receive 50 searches a month but could also bring in a trickle of leads over time.
Now, this isn’t easy, cheap or quick but our hope is by showing you what’s possible and giving you that extra boost in leads, that will go a long way to funding the effort to taking over your local industry in Google. Getting leads via Google is so much more easier for you as an MSP owner compared to all the different things you need to do with MSP Marketing.
Timescales: Months 3-5
Our Customer Experience
With 20+ years experience in customer service, we will provide nothing but an exceptional customer experience to my clients.
Here are some things that you can expect with this SEO project:
- We will always keep you informed about what we are doing and run by any changes we need to make (on your website or elsewhere) before we make them.
- We will never use illegal SEO tactics that could get your site penalised by Google.
- We will schedule regular meetings along the way to explain the progress of the project and the next steps.
- We will never bombard you with technical reports that mean nothing or jargon that you don’t understand or don’t need to know.
Why work with us for your SEO Project?
Cornwall IT are of course an MSP like you! We know your industry, we know what services you offer and who your clients are because its our industry, we offer the same services and have the same clients!
As well as being in the IT sector for 20+ years, our Director Aaron has also had many years experience with SEO. We have many non-MSP SEO clients too!
We will never say that we’re experts for SEO for MSPs, why? Because we would rather let the results speak for themselves, we have ranked Cornwall IT Number 1 in Cornwall and London (two completely separate areas of the UK, 300 miles apart).
We know you want to know what an SEO agency is doing to your website, many SEO agencies are secretive and don’t give much detail. You’re techies like us, we want to know what’s happening to our systems and we know you do too!
Some SEO agencies may say you need a long-term project to get to page 1 and you need regular blog posts to keep you there. We know that isn’t true for MSPs! We have written very little blog posts for our website and we’ve been ranked Number 1 for “Cornwall IT Support” for since 2018 and not done any additional SEO for that keyword since.
So as an MSP organisation, we have the knowledge of our industry and the proven SEO strategy to improve the Google rank of any MSP in the world, this combined skillset makes us unique to the world of SEO for any MSP.
Cornwall IT’s Journey to being Ranked Number 1
Told by our Director Aaron Nihat
Our Initial Problem
When I started my MSP business in 2017, I had no clients, no leads, and I wasn’t appearing anywhere on Google! I looked into various MSP marketing solutions to try and bring in some leads, but I just didn’t trust that I would get a return on my investment. Our company name back then was Cornwall IT.
I started to pay for Google Adwords to be on page 1 but received no leads! I thought, if potential clients were the same as me, they were skipping past the ads at the top to find the organic results for their search.
When I see a paid Google ad I think to myself “you’re there because you paid Google to be there!” But when I see a website appearing on page 1 organically I think “you’re there because Google thinks you should be there!” Thats a big difference in the mind of a potential client.
Being on page 1 gives you A LOT of social proof in the eyes of potential clients!
Proposed Solution
I’ve been studying and implementing SEO for years so I asked myself, could I get my Website onto page 1 of Google for my area? I checked and each month 100+ people typed in “Cornwall IT Support”, that isn’t 100 potential clients as some may have typed this in several times, but it is quite a good number of potential clients!
I set to work on implementing my SEO strategy on my website and quickly climbed up the ranks on Google, and finally after about 6 to 9 months I was on page 1. As my website was new it did take slightly longer than it normally would.
SEO isn’t easy there is so much more than planting your targeted keywords on your website. Having said that, I don’t believe that you need to pay high amounts of money to an SEO agency forever. I believe a 4 to 5 month project should be enough. There of course may be times in the future where you need some smaller SEO projects if your rank is slowly dropping.
What happened next with Cornwall IT (our former company name)?
Within weeks of being on page 1, a Dental Practice owner contacted me via the website and said he needed help with his IT, they had 15 staff! I arranged to meet him the very next morning and they are still a client to this day! They had found me on Google by typing in “Cornwall IT Support”! SEO had worked!
This was the first in a long chain of leads, all resulting from the SEO I had implemented. Since then, I’ve never had to pay for Google Adwords and I never will.
This wasn’t enough for me though! I decided to open a new office in London which is a highly competitive area for MSPs. I did some research and saw that there was over a 1000 searches for “London IT Support” per month, I wanted to be on page 1! Within 4 months I achieved that goal in this highly competitive area and the leads have started to come in.
London and Cornwall are 300 miles apart but with my SEO strategy I have ranked Cornwall IT number 1 on page 1 in both areas!
The Result
Let’s Get Started
If you would like to join us and become a client then we’d be delighted to have you.